Smallest dog breeds ..

You must have a dog, but on the way to the base do not see, or you could end up with a dog that does not behave as expected, and the things you do not want!

So here's a quick and useful to the main points that you would in choosing a puppy:


Size smallest dog  breeds
In general, a small dog is applicable weigh less than 22 pounds, or less than 16 centimeters. Some of the smaller races on this site is much lighter and shorter, and some are a bit 'heavier or bigger than this - but they are all small dogs, but (although some of the boundary between the small and medium enterprises).

Some breeds, like Chihuahuas are the smallest of the small ... weighing only 6 to 8 pounds and stood only 6-10 cm high. While the majority of small breeds such as the Staffordshire bull terrier weighing 24-36 pounds and aim high at 14 to 16 cm.

So your first choice is to decide if you really want a small dog like a Chihuahua, or if you do not mind a bit 'bigger than a dog Staffordshire Bull Terrier. It can not bother. The little guys are really easy to pick up and transport!

Train Ability

Train ability  smallest dog breeds
Every small breed can be trained to learn the commands, but to learn some commands much faster than others. A race to quickly learn is much easier to train and learn more orders in a short period of time. While a slower learning breed requires more patience and time to train.

If you want an obedient dog, but not a lot of time and patience to train he does not choose to make for an easy game. (Choose a breed with a drive power of 7/10 or more.)


Some dogs lose almost no hair. This low shedders paid so little that you a hard time finding a hair in your home. If you hate dog hair and have no time for a second shot is one of these races is good for you (choose a breed with a rating outpouring of 2/10 or less).

Some other races bring an excessive amount of hair: you determine what to find your carpets, clothes and sleep. If you have nothing in your home as a little 'hair on the other hand, you should choose a wider selection of dog breeds (choose a breed with a powerful outpouring until 7/10).

Then there is the race hangar-like-theres-no-tomorrow! These varieties carry large amounts of hair! If you have one, you will find her in the house. You will find there a lot of hair on the carpet, sofa, and clothing. Probably on the kitchen table and in the refrigerator. E 'everywhere! But if its not care, then you can choose a dog with any level of excretion, and has the largest selection of small breeds to choose from. (Super-high shedders are those of star rated 8-10 for excretion. To prevent any case, this, if you hate your hair.)

Low maintenance

Maintenance of the small dog is two things: brush and vacuum. Some breeds are virtually maintenance free and only require an occasional brushing and virtually no hair loss, if you do not have to empty.

You have a long-haired dog newspaper dog coat confused offered and tangled mess! However, you can avoid this if you keep their hair cut short (only solve the short every few months - it only takes about 30 minutes to do), then you're just an occasional brushing (Problem solved!). So you're not just limited to short hair, if you do not have time to brush regularly. You can always choose a longhaired breed; You just have their hair cut short easy to maintain, do.

If you have no time to suck the hair, either, so you want to show a minimum of livestock excretion.


Most of the small dog breeds are good with children as they grow up with the children as puppies.

The fact is in danger of being bitten every child is too rough or the dog is teasing. If your dog is inserted into the eye, after pulling the ears and then suffocated her natural instinct is to defend and he probably also give some warning shots and growling, and if it continues, it can bite.

So if you bring small children and decide to get a dog at home, it is your responsibility to your children to check the dogs and learn to respect them and love for him. Then the chances are your child bites are almost none.


Almost all small dog breeds good watchdogs small - they all do a kind of excitement (growling or barking) - when a stranger enters their territory. But some breeds are better at this job than others. Some are very attentive and bark when a stranger is unstoppable "their" property. (Select breed Place 8-10 star for 'watchdog, if you want the best breeds of dogs for protection.)

Allergies - Hypoallergenic Dogs?

Smallest dog brees
Contrary to popular belief, it is not the dog hair, allergies (sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose) indicates, is dog dander (flakes of dead skin or), do it. These microscopic hairs inhaled into the air, or if it lands in the eye, called allergic reaction.

All dogs skin (all) of produce hair. So there is no such thing as a dog, big or small, that does not happen and is completely safe for people with allergies. However, because the dogs less skin produce less skin flakes. It is also believed that the races, its low shedders places even less hair.

So if you are allergic to it, to first consider a small breed of dog (you can find on the site are now) and check the other hand, a small shed small breed like a poodle or Maltese or at least many other varieties excretion . (Choose a breed that has been rated 1 or 2 from 10 to excretion).

And to do that, if you are allergic to manage to spend a bit 'of time to a number of purebred dogs you are on the (perhaps in a breeder house) are doing - to make sure that does not cause allergies .. . before.